英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 15:57:35
  • 网络解释

1. 散装货:出口商品在运输过程中,除散装货(IN BULK)如谷物、煤炭、矿砂等商品不需包装外,大多数商品为了避免在搬运、装卸和运输途中发生碰撞、振动或受外界其他影响而损伤货物,必须要经过适当的包装才能装运出口.

Most gins begin their life as rectified neutral grain spirit alcohol — or N.G.S. — bought in bulk.(大部分杜松子酒开始就像整流的中性的谷类蒸馏酒精——或者N.G.S.——散装购买的。)
Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.(大批采购比少量购买更经济实惠。)
It's also available in bulk at natural food markets — and even Costco warehouse stores now carry it.(在天然食品市场也可以买到散装品现在甚至在Costcowarehouse连锁商店奎奴亚藜也有售。)
This administrative script is usually used to migrate process instances in bulk.(该管理员脚本通常用于批量迁移实例。)
They bought pants, shirts, pajamas, and household necessities in bulk.(他们买了裤子、衬衫、睡衣及大量家居用品。)
Making a hamper can cost very little and the goodies inside can be bought in bulk or made at home.(做礼品篮成本很小,放在里面的物品可以去批发也可以自己在家做。)
A 15 percent boost in bulk advertising and other discounted mailings has so far offset only some of the loss in revenue.(目前15%大批增长的广告和其他的打折邮件已经抵偿了利润损失。)
Remember, the first translation is generally done in bulk by translators who have no product experience.(请记住,第一遍翻译通常是由没有产品经验的翻译人员“大批”完成的。)
When my books were published, she’d buy them in bulk and mail them to me to autograph.(我的书一出版,她就会买好多还寄来让我签名。)
Nanoparticles of metal do not have the same colour as that metal does in bulk.(纳米金属微粒的颜色和金属块不一样。)
in bulk是什么意思 in bulk在线翻译 in bulk什么意思 in bulk的意思 in bulk的翻译 in bulk的解释 in bulk的发音 in bulk的同义词